This paper proposes a high-precision graphic equalizer based on second-order parallel filters. Previous graphic equalizers suffer from interaction between adjacent band filters, especially at high gain values, which can lead to substantial errors in the magnitude response. The fixed-pole design of the proposed parallel graphic equalizer avoids this problem, since the parallel second-order filters are optimized jointly. When the number of pole frequencies is twice the number of command points of the graphic equalizer, the proposed non-iterative design matches the target curve with high precision. In the three example cases presented in this paper, the proposed parallel equalizer clearly outperforms other non-iterative graphic equalizer designs, and its maximum global error is as low as 0.00-0.75 dB when compared to the target curve. While the proposed design has superior accuracy, the number of operations in the filter structure is increased only by 23% when compared to the second-order Regalia-Mitra structure. The parallel structure also enables the utilization of parallel computing hardware, which can nowadays easily outperform the traditional serial processing. The proposed graphic equalizer can be widely used in audio signal processing applications.