Thailand National Anthem
One of the first things foreigners notice about Thailand is the way in which all people stand for the national or royal anthems when they are played in public places like markets or bus stations. The national anthem is played twice a day in public places, at 8 am and 6 pm, and all are expected to stand. The royal anthem is played before cinema and theatre performances, and the same behavior is expected. Any likeness of the King, for example on coins and banknotes, also needs to be shown appropriate respect.
Thailand Royal Palaces
Many of the Royal places are open to public view at certain times of the year. Obviously, the Grand Palace in Bangkok is a major tourist draw, as is the teak palace of Vinanmek, also in Bangkok. Other palaces, such as the Klai Kangwon Palace in Hua Hin, where the King now spends most of his time, is effectively off limits.