The last year, When I was studying mattayom 3. I like to learn health education. because the course is taught about the body. It is easy subjects and the most important the teacher taught me to understand in health care. But teachers do not like students who secretly playing phone in the classroom.
One day the teacher ordered the group to present in the next periods. Everyone offer accept. A week later, teacher give a groups 1 forth present the first group . But group members forgot to work. A friend of mine came to work from my phone. While teachers are teaching it. When the teacher saw me and my friends play phone. The teacher confiscated my phone and teacher reproach me quickly that I sneak play Facebook in the lessons. I cry and feel sad. But I did not feel guilty. because I do not have anything ridiculous as the teacher alleged.
Later, Princess Chulabhorn's College, Satun announced the recruitment of new students, I was sure it was very difficult, many of my friends do not the test. I finished my exams and I go home. I much stressful.
Several days ago The school announced the results of the examination stick. I am stick to examination. I am happy and smiling all day. Teacher know and congratulated me. I tried to smile But I did not feel better.
Finally, I know that teachers who did not think anything bad about me, about the study. Teachers misunderstand about me. Teachers look that me a bad person. But I will try to study hard. And follow the rules so that teachers will know whether I am not like the teacher said.