5.5. Effect of alcohol type
The effect of higher alcohols on yield and properties of biodiesel
have not been studied in deeper extent. Very less literature
is reported about impact of higher alcohols. Bouaid et al. [48]
produced biodiesel from used frying oil and rapeseed oil in presence
of biobutanol. It was concluded that, using biobutanol as
alcohol improves the cold flow properties in terms of cloud point
(CP), pour point (PP) and cold filter plugging point (CFPP). There is
no major impact on other fuel properties of biodiesel. Oxidation
stabilities of produced fuels were also in good terms. Oliveira et al.
[52] concluded that after 100 min of reaction time, yield eventually
comes out to be same irrespective of alcohol used among
methanol and ethanol. This gives an advantage of using ethanol as
it is obtained from biomass, which makes it renewable and biodegradable,
whereas methanol is normally obtained from fossil
sources. Malins et al. [54] also observed improvement in cold flow
properties in rapeseed biodiesel prepared with butan-2-ol.