I meant that you have been writing many things that I like. So, I am curious when you will start writing things I don't like. You can't always write things I like, correct? ;) I think this is similar to what you wrote regarding people only finding each other interesting temporarily. However, the reason I find you interesting isn't having to do with temporary things.
I think you are good as a woman! However, I do understand your point. Yes, I have heard the phrase you mentioned. Certainly its true. I should add another thing to my "bad girl" list. Doesn't understand the relationship between man and woman. I think this has to be with some of the things you wrote, like the phrase, and love vs lust. Men can be predatory by nature toward women and it smart for women to avoid guys that are too predatory. For example, its hard to build a life with a woman that is distracted by every guy who tells her she is beautiful (because he is trying to get "something" from her). So, do you think you understand the relationship between man and woman?
I agree that happiness can be impacted by many things. I care more about building virtues, like discipline, commitment, and love than happiness. Happiness seems to be one emotion among many that we have.