‘Phubbing’ your partner isn’t quite as rude (or painful) as it sounds – but it can seriously damage your relationship.
The term refers to snubbing your partner to look at your phone (‘phone’ plus ‘snubbing’ equals ‘phubbing’) – and is a relationship killer, according to Baylor University, Texas researchers.
And we’ve been talking about the word since 2013.
It can also lead to depression, the researchers believe.
The researchers found that ‘phubbing’ is surprisingly common – although that won’t come as news to anyone who’s watched couples having romantic meals out in restaurants.
The researchers interviewed 145 people and found that 46% had been ‘phubbed’ by their partner – and that 37% felt depressed.
Study lead author Dr James A. Roberts said, ‘What we discovered was that when someone perceived that their partner phubbed them, this created conflict and led to lower levels of reported relationship satisfaction.
‘These lower levels of relationship satisfaction, in turn, led to lower levels of life satisfaction and, ultimately, higher levels of depression.’
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Co-author Dr Meredith David, ‘In everyday interactions with significant others, people often assume that momentary distractions by their cell phones are not a big deal.
‘However, our findings suggest that the more often a couple’s time spent together is interrupted by one individual attending to his/her cellphone, the less likely it is that the other individual is satisfied in the overall relationship