To confirm the latent structure of PSAFU scale, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted. The analyses were carried out on the second subsample e the sample of students (N ¼ 359). Factor solutions with two to seven factors 2 were modeled to check if the 5-factor solution is the best representation of the structure of the data. Multivariate kurtosis (Mardia's coefficient) was over 7 (Bentler, 2006) and, therefore, robust method was used. In Table 4, the indicators of model fit are presented for all six models. Generally, all the tested models have a poor fit(Table 3). CFI, NFI, and NNFI are all below required criteria, but SRMR and RMSEA are satisfactory for almost all models but the two factor solution. Model with 5 factors has the best model fit indices of all the tested solutions so we've continued to modify it in order to achieve a better fit.