The attorney assistant told me I'd likely get my residency card in 10-14 days. I found out yesterday that I can only open a regular bank account with the residency card and not just visa extension, will have to have a reference from someone with an account in the bank, show verification of address, like utility bill - man, it's not easy to open an account where I can get my income direct deposited.
Sweetie: I went through all the emails I had from you looking for the tracking number to the cpap. I just couldn't find it and I'm sorry. I'm going to check with the post office again today along with another package from Linda I still haven't gotten. I'm so sorry to create extra work for you. Especially, since I should have brought the cpap with me. But, the old man felt I didn't need it anymore - boy was I wrong.
Last night I did get a pretty good sleep in my own bed in Cuenca, only waking up three times to pee.
I hope you can still come to see me in February. It will be good for you to get away from all the challenges you've had in Thailand. (I know it's expensive.) I would love very much to see you, hug you, cook for you, let you beat me in cards, talk to you, and just experience things in life with you.