We all have experienced an embarrassing moment in our life, such as fall down from the chair, call some one wrong name, and pee in pant. We will be ashamed or laugh in the end. For me, I will laugh, because when we do the embarrassing thing, we did not intend to do it. Do not me shy in that moment, because when you looked back, it will be just a funny thing or a joke. This will make you happy. In my life, I have the most embarrassing moments of my life. Was during a prize giving at the end of the year. So the whole school comes and the parents. Anyway I was sitting at the front center the stage and they announced this really special award and they said my name so I went up to get it and it turned out it was this other girl but I had hear the name wrong! The worst was having to walk back to my seat because everyone was whispering about it! I'll never ever live that one down