With regard to the trace elements, copper was found to be lowest while Zn was found to be highest in concen- tration among the elements determined. This result tallies with the work of Teeny et al. (1984) that zinc was found to be highest in concentration among the element determined. A well-defined decreasing order Zn > Fe > Mn > Cu of magnitude was evident in all the three species of fish subjected to the three drying methods except in the case of iron (Fe) were Sardinella spp. have the highest concentration in sun-dried samples with this decreasing order of magnitude; Fe > Zn > Mn > Cu > Pb. This result agrees with the findings of Ako and Salihu (2004) that appreciable degree of consistency was evident. Teeny et al. (1984) reported that Zn was found to be highest in concentration among the elements determined as was observed in this study (Zn > Fe > Mn > Cu > Pb) except in Sardinella spp. (sun-dried) where Fe was found to be highest in concentration (Fe > Zn > Mn > Cu > Pb). Khan et al. (1987) and other researchers did not observe any definite order in the magnitude of the elements. Howevert nutritional composition of fish mus- cles varies both from species to species and within species from one season to another (Burgress, 1975).