(FAO, 2007). Mango fruits are processed for various products as it
is a seasonal fruit. Peel is one of the major byproducts during mango
processing. It constitutes about 15–20% of the fruit weight. At present
peel is discarded as waste and becoming a source of pollution.
Recently, Ajila et al. (2007a) reported that mango peel extracts from
two different mango varieties at different stages of fruit maturity
showed good amount of polyphenols and carotenoids. It was also
reported that peel extracts exhibited potential antioxidant activities
(Ajila et al., 2007b) and protected against H2O2 induced oxidative
damage in rat erythrocytes (Ajila and Prasada Rao, 2008). The present
study will focus on the identification of bioactive compounds
such as phenolic acids and their derivatives, and carotenoids present
in peels of ripe and raw fruits of an Indian mango variety.