Low, intermediate and high strain rate tensile experiments are carried out on flat smooth, notched and central-hole tensile specimens extracted from advanced high strength steel sheets. A split Hopkinson pressure bar testing system is used in conjunction with a load inversion device to perform the high strain rate tension experiments. Selected surface strains, as well as local displacements, are measured using high speed photography in conjunction with planar digital image correlation (video extensometer). Through thickness necking precedes fracture in all experiments. A hybrid experimental-numerical approach is therefore employed to determine the strain to fracture inside the neck. To obtain an accurate description of the local strain fields at very large deformations, a plasticity model with a Johnson-Cook type of rate and temperature-dependency and a combined Swift-Voce strain hardening law is used in conjunction with a non-associated anisotropic flow rule. The incremental change in temperature is computed using a strain rate dependent weighting function instead of solving the thermal field equations. The comparison of the computed and measured force-displacement curves and surface strain histories shows good agreement before and after the onset of necking. From each experiment, the loading path to fracture is determined describing the evolution of the equivalent plastic strain in terms of the stress triaxiality, Lode angle parameter, strain rate and temperature. An empirical extension of the stress-state dependent Hosford-Coulomb fracture initiation model is proposed to account for the effect of strain rate on the onset of ductile fracture. The model is subsequently calibrated and successfully validated using the results from fracture experiments on DP590 and TRIP780 steels. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.