What causes people to put off important tasks?
Read what the experts say UNPLEASANT TASKs.
It's not always fun to do a lot of the things on our To Do lists.
Most people prefer to do enjoyable things Having too little time for a task is discouraging.
It's hard to get MANAGEMENT POOR TIME started on a project when you feel that you can't finish it FEAR An important test can make you feel so nervous that you put off studying.
finishing a task.
The belief that you must do a perfect job can prevent you from starting or PERFECTIONISM.
As you can see, people often procrastinate because they want to avoid bad feelings.
But procrastinators end up feeling even worse because of their procrastination.
The only solution: stop procrastinating.
Now! (Hdapted from.
Focus on Grammar An Integrated skills Approach by Marjarie Fuchs, Margarel Bonner and Miriam Wertheimer)
1. Do you always find excuses not to do certain things?
2. What types of things do you put off doing?
3. Why do you procrastinate?