In all scenarios, the contribution from the compensatory system is larger than for the waste management system. However, in relation to incineration, only the Bio scenarios become better as the compensatory system is included.
In all scenarios, except for landfilling, incineration is the main contributor of CO2 emissions emanating from combustion of plastic of different forms. Methane emissions from the landfill have the same effect in the landfill scenario. In the compensatory system, the main contributor in almost all scenarios is external vehicle fuel, i.e. petrol and diesel oil.
The following waste fractions are worth source separating: organic waste, plastic.
5.2. Acidification potential
Scenarios BioBus, BioEl and BioCar cause the highest impact for both the waste management system and the total system (Fig. 4). This is due to emissions of ammonia from agricultural soils and for BioEl, high NOx-emissions from the internal combustion engine generating heat and power from biogas. The lowest impact is found for plastic recycling due to lower emissions in combustion of biofuel (compensatory heat) than for production of virgin plastic. All other scenarios are within the same range.