Dear Piyada san and Thidarat san,
Good morning.
How are you this morning?
Thank you for your mail.
I checked it right away and I have some questions more regarding the matter.
Could you answer these ones below?
up graded room is TWIN beded room 34㎡
but in the rooming list you sent me yesterday shows that the guest 'd like to
have one I mean doble beded room 26㎡ in that case 32,000 included breakfast
for 2 persons and per nights with complimentary cake for them.
How would you like ?
regarding the menu for the party
now I ' m checking the posiibility for chaging the beef to pork.
I 'll let you know soon.
May I have the schedule sheet for the party.
Do you bring any equipment for the Karaoke? and want us to prepare something?
Thank you for your support.
I ' maiting for your reply soon.