We conducted Green Project to the students who
mastered the symbols in the contest. Green Project is an activity to create various kinds of flowers
or trees by using ‘growing rules and probability’ explained above, in commemoration of Tree-
Planting Day. Figure 9 shows the artefacts of undergrad school students who participated in Green
Project. A variety of artefacts were submitted including cosmos, orange tree, sun flower and
mathematics etc.
Recursion used to construct students’ artefacts is along with symbols and substitution
symbol presented in the previous activity; however this leads us to focus more on the extrinsic
perspective which recognizes the relation between the whole and parts, rather than turtle’s intrinsic
perspective. In addition, students can reflect their thought process by receiving feedback through
visual images represented by symbol-based recursion rules. Such activities in JavaMAL
microworld practice ‘learning by design’ in that students accept mathematics concepts as a concrete
idea in their own context. Furthermore, such activities would enable students to observe, explore
and conjecture various mathematic situations from their intuition and generate new mathematics
concepts through ‘what if questions