Summer 1978. Norma Rae is at work. Her mother works with her. Norma Rae tries to talk with her mother, but mom doesn't seem to hear her. So she takes her mother into the doctor's office who is rather nonchalant about the temporary deafness. He tells Norma Rae: "You know that happens." Norma Rae answers with a question: "It happens?" She is pretty disgusted and says to her mother: "They don't care anything about you."
Norma Rae tells her father, Vernon Witchard, that she is going into town. Dad says he will drive her in. She doesn't want him to. A stranger comes up to the door. He says his name is Reuben Warshovsky and he's a labor organizer come to put a union in the O.P. Henley Textile Mill. Vernon tells the man: "You people are communists, agitators, crooks or Jews, or all four rolled together." He does tell Reuben that he make $1.33 per frame and Reuben tells him that he is both underpaid and overworked. Dad just runs him off.
Reuben is getting a room in a motel. He sees Norma Rae and speaks to her. He sarcastically tells her: "Friendly little town you have here." Meanwhile, Norma Rae goes into a room to continue her affair with a married man. She tells the man, George, that this will be their last time because he has a wife and two children and there is a lot of gossip going around about him and her (Norma Rae). He objects, but she says: "It just doesn't make me feel good." George ends up hitting Norma Rae. She has to apply ice to her eye to keep the swelling down. She asks Reuben: "You a Jew?" Reuben answers: "Born and bred." Norma Rae goes on to ask what make the Jews so different from anyone else. Reuben responds: "What makes us different is history."
Reuben sees Norma Rae again. She tells him about a guy she was speaking to. He comes around about every four years asking how she is. The fellow is her boy's father. No, they never married.
The boss calls Norma Rae into his office. He tells her she's got the biggest mouth in the firm. But he is going to make her a spot-checker and pay her $1.50 per hour. Norma Rae jumps at the position.
Norma Rae now patrols the work floor with her time watch and official forms. She watches her father one day and she tells him to speed it up. She adds: "They're watching you. They're watching me." At home dad is mad at Norma Rae. He doesn't like being checked on by his own daughter.
Reuben tells Norma Rae: "I think you're too smart for what's happening to you."
When Norma Rae goes to check on the young worker Sonny, he kinds of goes crazy on her. He starts running around and hiding and jumping out at Norma Rae.
The next day Sonny comes to the house and apologizes to Norma Rae for his behavior. She tells him: "You sure went crazy on me." Norma Rae adds that he could have gotten both of them fired at work.
Norma Rae's father still hovers around her and she doesn't like it. He says he does this because he loves his girl, but Norma Rae says: "You're loving me to death!"
Sonny is out with Norma Rae at a bar. They both are getting a bit drunk. Norma Rae calls Reuben over to their table. Sonny is not enthused about Reuben joining them. Norma Rae talks about her husband Buddy Wilson. He died in a bar fight. The funeral director and her daddy wouldn't let her see her husband's body. Reuben drives the two drunks home. Norma asks for Reuben to pull over to the side of the road. She gets out and throws up.
The next day Reuben is busy handing out union notices to the textile workers. Norma Rae comes in to work and speaks to Lucius. He doesn't talk to her. She says good morning to Linette Odum, but she won't speak to Norma Rae. She goes to Billy Joe and he won't talk to her. Norma Rae demands to know why no one is talking to her. Billy Joe sums it up with one word: "Fink!" Norma Rae marches into her manager's office and tells him that management is deliberately speeding thing ups in order to weed out the slower workers. The manager admits it's true. So Norma Rae quits her job and goes back on the line.
Sonny comes over to take Norma Rae for an outing. With Norma Rae are her two children. This surprises Sonny, but he quickly recovers. Everyone climbs into the pick-up truck and away they go. Sonny decides to stop at home to pick up his daughter. So now the two adults and the three children all go out to have some fun. At the picnic area Sonny tells Norma Rae that she is a pretty woman. He says he and his daughter Alice are all alone. He goes on to say: "If you could help me, maybe I could help you." Norma Rae tells Sonny to kiss her. He does so.
Sonny and Norma Rae get married. He tells everyone: "I just hope I can keep up with her."
Norma Rae goes to a union meeting in a local church. Reuben tells his small audience that the textile industry is the only non-unionized industry in the country. He tells everyone to come over to his hotel room and pick up a union card and join the union.
Reuben comes into the company to check if his union notices are up on the two bulletin boards. At the first bulletin board, the notice is way up at the top. He asks the company men to move the notice down to eye level. He threatens to bring his lawyer in to this matter if they won't cooperate with him. Management brings the notice down to eye level. Reuben then is taken to the second bulletin board. The notice is there, but it is behind a lot of items placed in front of the bulletin board. Reuben gets management to move the items blocking the bulletin board.
Norma Rae comes over to Reuben's hotel room. She decides to join the union. Reuben tells her that she is the fish he wanted to hook. Her full name is Norma Rae Webster.
Norma Rae goes to her minister and tells him that she wants to use his church for a union meeting place. The minister refuses to allow it. Norma Rae says he'll hear them shouting from inside another church.
Norma Rae brings some black workers home with her. Sonny objects to this, telling Norma Rae: "There's a bunch of black men in there. You're going to get us into a whole lot of trouble." Reuben is there and he asks the workers to speak out this time. It doesn't take long before men and women start complaining about management excesses. Linette tells how her husband died of brown lung disease.
Reuben tells Norma Rae that he is disappointed at the turn-out. He only got 17 out of 800 people. Norma Rae says he is an outsider. Reuben asks Norma Rae if she has any ideas. Norma Rae tells him that they are going out on the back roads to speak to the people.
It's a very hot day. Reuben swims naked in the old mud hole. Norma Rae takes off her blouse and goes into the water. Reuben tells her she would just love New York City. It has opera, theater and ballet.
Norma Rae is working late at night on the phone. Sonny comes in from the bedroom and starts complaining that both he and she are not getting any sleep these days. He takes the milk out of the refrigerator just to find that it is sour milk by now. Sonny complains that she is not doing her wifely duties and she sure didn't get to him lately. He says: "I'm going without all together." Norma Rae starts going a little crazy running around pretending she is doing all her chores at once. Sonny gives up, calms down and then calms Norma Rae down.
Norma Rae hands out union information at work. She sees her daddy and goes over to him. She thinks he's been drinking a bit too much lately and he admits it's true. He says he's getting old and worn out. Norma Rae comments: "Don't talk old to me! I don't like it."
Norma Rae works with Reuben in his hotel room. She says she really ought to be going home. She asks Reuben how is it going for his girlfriend Dorothy? It's going fine. His mother really likes Dorothy. Norma Rae now asks about the Dylan Thomas book Reuben has been reading. Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) was a Welsh poet and writer. One of his famous lines was: "Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
Reuben is ready to hold a union meeting but nobody shows up. He goes to see one of the workers named Warren. Warren tells him that the company has got the workers on a stretch-out, meaning that the workers now have to do in three days what they did in five days. It's twice as much work for half the pay. And Warren says: "All on account of you." Warren then goes to the kitchen and comes back with a pot of water with six turnips in it. He says this is dinner: six turnips for seven people. He tells Reuben: "Sell your union someplace else."
At work Norma Rae's father complains to a supervisor that his arm has gone numb. The manager tells him to wait for his break and then see to the arm. Dad tells the manager that he thinks he better tend to it right now, but the manager insists that he wait for his break. Norma Rae's father goes back to work but soon collapses. Many of the union members attend the funeral of Norma Rae's father.
Reuben now has a lot of volunteers working for him. A worker volunteer comes in late and Norma Rae balls him out for it. This upsets the worker and Reuben has to intervene. He tells Norma Rae to leave. She goes out and Reuben tries to soothe the balled-out worker. Later Reuben comes over to the diner where Norma Rae is having coffee and a piece of apple pie. He jokes with her: "Mouth, you're too muscular." Norma Rae admits she can be a bit much at times.
Two men come into Reuben's hotel room. Only Norma Rae is there and she was asleep on the bed. The men ask where Reuben is and she says he's at the printers. They then ask if she is Norma Rae? She says: "I'm Mrs. Webster." Reuben comes in the room. The two men are from union headquarters and they complain to Reuben that he is not making much progress. And there has been some nasty gossip about him and Norma Rae. It's been said that Norma Rae made a porno movie with a cop a
ฤดูร้อนปี 1978 Norma แร่ที่ผลิตได้ แม่ของเธอทำงานร่วมกับเธอ แร่ Norma พยายามคุยกับแม่ของเธอ แต่แม่ดูเหมือนจะไม่ ได้ยิน ดังนั้น เธอจะแม่ของเธอทำงานเป็นหมอที่ค่อนข้างจะเมินเฉยไม่แยแสเกี่ยวกับหูหนวกชั่วคราว เขาบอกเร Norma: "คุณรู้ที่เกิดขึ้น" Norma แร่คำตอบกับคำถาม: "มันเกิดขึ้น" เธอเป็นพริตตี้ disgusted และพูดกับแม่ของเธอ: "พวกเขาไม่สนใจอะไรเกี่ยวกับคุณ"Norma แร่บอกพ่อของเธอ เวอร์นอน Witchard ว่า เธอกำลังจะเข้าเมือง พ่อกล่าวว่า เขาจะขับรถของเธอใน เธอไม่ต้องการให้เขา เป็นคนแปลกหน้ามาถึงประตู เขากล่าวว่า ชื่อของเขาคือ Reuben Warshovsky และเขามาจัดแรงงานให้สหภาพแรงงานในโรงงานสิ่งทอเฮนเลย์ O.P. เวอร์นอนบอกชายคนนั้น: "คุณคนเป็นคอมมิวนิสต์ พวกป่วน จาก crooks หรือชาวยิว หรือทั้งสะสมกัน" เขาบอก Reuben ที่เขาทำให้ $1.33 ต่อเฟรม และ Reuben บอกเขาว่า เขาเป็นทั้งการชำระน้อยเกิน และ overworked พ่อเพียงรันเขาปิด Reuben กำลังเสนอห้องพักที่โมเต็ล เขาเห็นเร Norma และพูดกับเธอ เขา sarcastically บอกเธอ: "มิตรน้อยเมืองคุณได้ที่นี่" ในขณะเดียวกัน Norma แร่จะเข้าสู่การดำเนินเรื่องของเธอกับคนที่แต่งงาน เธอบอกคน จอร์จ ซึ่งจะเป็นครั้งสุดท้ายของพวกเขาเนื่องจากเขามีภรรยาและลูกที่สอง และมีมากนินทาไปรอบเกี่ยวกับเขาและเธอ (Norma แร่) เขาวัตถุ แต่เธอกล่าวว่า: "มันเพียงไม่ทำให้ฉันรู้สึกดีขึ้น" จอร์จบตี Norma เร มีการใช้น้ำแข็งกับตาของเธอให้บวมลง เธอถาม Reuben: "คุณความรอดหรือไม่" คำตอบที่ Reuben: "บอร์น และ bred " Norma แร่ไปบนขอสิ่งที่ทำให้ชาวยิวที่ต่างจากคนอื่น ตอบ Reuben: "สิ่งที่ทำให้เราแตกต่างกันคือ ประวัติศาสตร์"Reuben เห็น Norma แร่อีกครั้ง เธอบอกเขาเกี่ยวกับผู้ชายเธอถูกพูดถึง เขามาใกล้ประมาณทุกสี่ปีถามเธอว่า คนเป็นพ่อของเด็ก ไม่ พวกเขาไม่เคยแต่งงานเจ้านายเรียกแร่ Norma เป็นสำนักงานของเขา เขาบอกเธอเธอมีปากที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในบริษัท แต่เขากำลังจะทำให้เธอเป็น spot-checker และจ่ายเธอ $1.50 ต่อชั่วโมง Norma แร่ข้ามไปที่ตำแหน่ง ตอนนี้เร Norma ลาดตระเวนชั้นทำงานกับฟอร์มอย่างเป็นทางการและดูเวลาเธอ เธอนาฬิกาพ่อวันหนึ่ง และเธอบอกเขาให้เร็วขึ้น เธอเพิ่ม: "พวกเขากำลังดูคุณ พวกเขากำลังดูฉัน" ที่บ้านพ่อเป็นบ้าที่ Norma เร เขาไม่ชอบการตรวจสอบใน โดยลูกสาวของเขาเอง Reuben บอกเร Norma: "ฉันคิดว่า คุณสมาร์ทเกินไปสำหรับสิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นกับคุณ" เมื่อ Norma แร่ไปตรวจสอบผู้ปฏิบัติงานหนุ่ม Sonny ชนิดเขาบ้าไปกับเธอ เขาเริ่มทำงานรอบการซ่อน และการกระโดดออกที่แร่ Norma ในวันถัดไป Sonny มาถึงบ้าน และ apologizes ไปแร่ Norma ลักษณะการทำงานของเขา เธอบอกเขา: "คุณแน่ใจว่าไปบ้ากับฉัน" Norma แร่เพิ่มว่า เขาสามารถได้รับทั้งสองอย่างยิงในการทำงาน พ่อ Norma แร่ยังคงค้างไว้รอบเธอ และเธอไม่ชอบ เขากล่าวว่า เขาทำ เพราะเขารักผู้หญิงของเขา แต่แร่ Norma กล่าวว่า: "คุณไม่รักฉันตาย" ซอนนี่ได้ออกกับ Norma แร่อยู่ พวกเขาทั้งสองได้รับเมาเล็กน้อย Norma แร่เรียก Reuben ผ่านตารางของพวกเขา ซอนนี่ไม่ enthused เกี่ยวกับ Reuben เข้าร่วมพวกเขา Norma เรพูดถึงสามีเพื่อน Wilson เขาตายในแถบการต่อสู้ ผู้อำนวยการและพ่อของเธอจะไม่ปล่อยให้เธอดูร่างกายของสามี Reuben ไดรฟ์ drunks สองบ้าน ขอ Norma Reuben จะดึงไปข้างถนน เธอได้ออก และขว้างขึ้น The next day Reuben is busy handing out union notices to the textile workers. Norma Rae comes in to work and speaks to Lucius. He doesn't talk to her. She says good morning to Linette Odum, but she won't speak to Norma Rae. She goes to Billy Joe and he won't talk to her. Norma Rae demands to know why no one is talking to her. Billy Joe sums it up with one word: "Fink!" Norma Rae marches into her manager's office and tells him that management is deliberately speeding thing ups in order to weed out the slower workers. The manager admits it's true. So Norma Rae quits her job and goes back on the line. Sonny comes over to take Norma Rae for an outing. With Norma Rae are her two children. This surprises Sonny, but he quickly recovers. Everyone climbs into the pick-up truck and away they go. Sonny decides to stop at home to pick up his daughter. So now the two adults and the three children all go out to have some fun. At the picnic area Sonny tells Norma Rae that she is a pretty woman. He says he and his daughter Alice are all alone. He goes on to say: "If you could help me, maybe I could help you." Norma Rae tells Sonny to kiss her. He does so. Sonny and Norma Rae get married. He tells everyone: "I just hope I can keep up with her." Norma Rae goes to a union meeting in a local church. Reuben tells his small audience that the textile industry is the only non-unionized industry in the country. He tells everyone to come over to his hotel room and pick up a union card and join the union. Reuben comes into the company to check if his union notices are up on the two bulletin boards. At the first bulletin board, the notice is way up at the top. He asks the company men to move the notice down to eye level. He threatens to bring his lawyer in to this matter if they won't cooperate with him. Management brings the notice down to eye level. Reuben then is taken to the second bulletin board. The notice is there, but it is behind a lot of items placed in front of the bulletin board. Reuben gets management to move the items blocking the bulletin board. Norma Rae comes over to Reuben's hotel room. She decides to join the union. Reuben tells her that she is the fish he wanted to hook. Her full name is Norma Rae Webster. Norma Rae goes to her minister and tells him that she wants to use his church for a union meeting place. The minister refuses to allow it. Norma Rae says he'll hear them shouting from inside another church.Norma Rae brings some black workers home with her. Sonny objects to this, telling Norma Rae: "There's a bunch of black men in there. You're going to get us into a whole lot of trouble." Reuben is there and he asks the workers to speak out this time. It doesn't take long before men and women start complaining about management excesses. Linette tells how her husband died of brown lung disease. Reuben tells Norma Rae that he is disappointed at the turn-out. He only got 17 out of 800 people. Norma Rae says he is an outsider. Reuben asks Norma Rae if she has any ideas. Norma Rae tells him that they are going out on the back roads to speak to the people.
It's a very hot day. Reuben swims naked in the old mud hole. Norma Rae takes off her blouse and goes into the water. Reuben tells her she would just love New York City. It has opera, theater and ballet.
Norma Rae is working late at night on the phone. Sonny comes in from the bedroom and starts complaining that both he and she are not getting any sleep these days. He takes the milk out of the refrigerator just to find that it is sour milk by now. Sonny complains that she is not doing her wifely duties and she sure didn't get to him lately. He says: "I'm going without all together." Norma Rae starts going a little crazy running around pretending she is doing all her chores at once. Sonny gives up, calms down and then calms Norma Rae down.
Norma Rae hands out union information at work. She sees her daddy and goes over to him. She thinks he's been drinking a bit too much lately and he admits it's true. He says he's getting old and worn out. Norma Rae comments: "Don't talk old to me! I don't like it."
Norma Rae works with Reuben in his hotel room. She says she really ought to be going home. She asks Reuben how is it going for his girlfriend Dorothy? It's going fine. His mother really likes Dorothy. Norma Rae now asks about the Dylan Thomas book Reuben has been reading. Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) was a Welsh poet and writer. One of his famous lines was: "Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
Reuben is ready to hold a union meeting but nobody shows up. He goes to see one of the workers named Warren. Warren tells him that the company has got the workers on a stretch-out, meaning that the workers now have to do in three days what they did in five days. It's twice as much work for half the pay. And Warren says: "All on account of you." Warren then goes to the kitchen and comes back with a pot of water with six turnips in it. He says this is dinner: six turnips for seven people. He tells Reuben: "Sell your union someplace else."
At work Norma Rae's father complains to a supervisor that his arm has gone numb. The manager tells him to wait for his break and then see to the arm. Dad tells the manager that he thinks he better tend to it right now, but the manager insists that he wait for his break. Norma Rae's father goes back to work but soon collapses. Many of the union members attend the funeral of Norma Rae's father.
Reuben now has a lot of volunteers working for him. A worker volunteer comes in late and Norma Rae balls him out for it. This upsets the worker and Reuben has to intervene. He tells Norma Rae to leave. She goes out and Reuben tries to soothe the balled-out worker. Later Reuben comes over to the diner where Norma Rae is having coffee and a piece of apple pie. He jokes with her: "Mouth, you're too muscular." Norma Rae admits she can be a bit much at times.
Two men come into Reuben's hotel room. Only Norma Rae is there and she was asleep on the bed. The men ask where Reuben is and she says he's at the printers. They then ask if she is Norma Rae? She says: "I'm Mrs. Webster." Reuben comes in the room. The two men are from union headquarters and they complain to Reuben that he is not making much progress. And there has been some nasty gossip about him and Norma Rae. It's been said that Norma Rae made a porno movie with a cop a
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