1. Lay the napkin face down in front of you.
2. Fold the napkin in half.
3. Fold the napkin in quarters.
4. Fold the napkin in half diagonally, creating a triangle.
5. Orient the triangle so the open tip is facing away from you.
6. Fold the right corner diagonally towards you - laying it down along the centerline of the triangle, making a new tip pointing towards you. An iron can make this important fold a whole lot easier.
7. Do the same with the left corner, fold it diagonally toward you and press it down next to the previous fold. Now you have a diamond, you're rich! Yay!.
8. Fold the two "wings" that you just made in folds 6 and 7 under so that you have your original triangle shape back. Once again an iron can make a world of difference.
9. Fold the triangle in half by bringing the center seam towards you and allowing the ends to fall.