what do a man with hands made of scissors, the captain of a pirate ship and the owner of a chocolate factory all have in common? very little at first sight,yet actor johnny Depp has played all three of these characters in his movies. so, Just how is this possible? well whit plenty of acting talent and a little magic form the make-up and wardrobe departments!
In Edward Scissorhands (1990), Depp plays a shy and very lonely man who has scissors instead of hands. He looks quite frightening with his thin purple lips, pale skin and messy black hair. still, he is one of the most lovable characters you will ever meet!
The pirates of the Caribbean trilogy (2003-2007) magically transforms Depp into Captain Jack Sparrow, the cunning but likeable captain of Depp has played. He has a beard, a moustache and long hair and he wears a headscarf. Captain Sparrow is just as nutty as Edward, but a lot funnier, and braver, too.
In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), Depp plays Willy Wonka,the owner of a chocolate factory and inventor of many crazy and wonderful inventions. Wonka is intelligent and sociable,but it eventually becomes clear that he is not as charming as he first appears!