While looking up at the Freya Statue, the users were impressed.
Having come to Morata, they had thought the region was completely underdeveloped. Besides the pub and smithies, it was lacking of many essential buildings.
Merchants and craftsmen were also low when it comes to the supply chain.
The addition of the beautiful statue was an excellent touch to this lacking town.
About 300 meters from the statue, the Architects created a stairway toward the Goddess.
Climbing the staircase meant that they could see the statue in a closer proximity.
Of course there was an admission fee, but there was a line of visitors.
The scenic view high, above the staircase, it was something meant to be commemorated with pictures or video.
“It’s by the Weed that made the Light Tower; I think it’s more amazing than I initially thought.”
“Not only Sculpturing Skill, he also raised other skills to significant levels too; in this field, he can’t not be the most significant presence. He’d have no problem receiving proposal to join a prestigious guild.”
“Isn’t it harder for him now? Other users are going to learn Sculpture too.”
The user who said that was spurn back the other users.
“I know, ‘cause I’ve seen the tremendous, physically laborious work that he did. Can you put in just as much labor as Weed does?”
“IF that, then yes.”
“There are limits, dude, even for a Sculptor. Like any other classes out there.”
Warriors persistently have it tough because they are always in the front line fighting for survival.
If Knights loses Honor, then they’re weakened.
A fatal weakness of Archers is being seen by their opponent in close range.
Magicians have great offense, but they have lousy defensive stats. They'll die if something simply brushes pass them.
Even if Merchants have the power if they have the money, they don’t have the Strength to keep it for themselves.
Mercenaries has the ability to survive under any condition, but as their contractors increasingly increases in difficulty of each request, their equipment are soon to be ready and over with; and eventually, they’ll be at the poorhouse.
Adventurers should enjoy the adventures. The spirit of exploration, that something that doesn’t give up even after ten days in a labyrinth as you struggle on trying to find a path out, is required. If it’s successful, then you get all fame and money; but if after the end of it you get nothing from the dungeon, then you'll become one of those many cases that collapse from suffering.
Including these professions, all the others have their advantages and disadvantages.
In the Sculptors’ case, they can make massive sculptures.
They can bring forth wonders in a region, with Classic and Magnum pieces!
Obviously they have amazing effects, but there are limits to it also.
Usually, they put in massive efforts and not all the sculptures end up as rare pieces. Without the help of others, then the Freya Statue too would be at a standstill for at least a few months.
In order for the sculpture to be successful, you must discard all other interruptions and only concentrate on just sculpting.
Absolutely never lose concentration in any work or else the job will all be for naught.