Hetty was stingy with herself, too. For example, she always wore the same black dress. As the years passed by, the color of the dress changed from black to green and then brown. When the dress became dirty, she went to a cheap laundry and told them to wash only the bottom where it was dirty, and she waited until it was ready. Her undergarments were old newspapers she got from the streets. She rented a cheap apartment with no heat in New Jersey because she did not want to pay taxes in New York. Then she traveled on the train to her office in New York. Her office was a space in a bank, which the bank gave to her for free. All she ate was raw onions and cold oatmeal. She as too stingy to spend money to heat he food. Sometimes, to heat her oatmeal, she put it on the office heater because that was free. She also ate cookies, but regular cookies were too expensive for her, so she walked a long way to get broken cookies, which were much cheaper. One time, she spent half the night looking for a two-cent stamp.