Emperor Nangong in the clan, Nangong Tianlong, Nangong Tianhu, Nangong Tian, Nangong Tianfeng, was gathering in one.
Has taught Nangong Tianhu as well as Nangong Tian after Chu Feng, and also digs up up the clothes them, hangs after the city gate event, their brother and sister four people, were all restricted the freedom, can not leave Emperor Nangong the clan half step.
In body sleepy emperor clan, they can do every day, besides practice, only then shares a table to hobnob, chatted.
But since tople days, Nangong Tianhu as well as Nangong Tian, has actually lived under the Chu Feng shadow, depressed, is very despondent.
„You, do not need to be so dejected, by that Chu Feng, was not hung in the city gate, this matter was already suppressed by the father emperor, nobody will pass on.” Nangong Tianlong comforts to say with a smile.
„Brother, you have not to know that is hanging the city, but by the Chu Feng shame, this at is not anything, our self-respect are not frail.”
„Reason that we are not sad , because azure rainbow sword and purple rainbow sword, were seized by that Chu Feng.”
„These two swords after all are the painstaking care of father emperor, he grants two swords to us, is to our greatest loves and trusts.”
„But we actually gave to lose them, was really unfair to the father emperor.” Nangong Tianhu and Nangong Tian said together.
„armament, so long as the human is all right, will also worry not to have good armament in the future?”
„Do not forget that our brother and sister four people, are Emperor Nangong the clan future successor, the person who in the future you may probably haunch the heavy burden, do not intertwine at this matter.”
„Let alone, the connection of you and azure rainbow sword as well as purple rainbow sword, this has not shown that these two swords have approved you, and recognized you.”
„He in the Chu Feng hand, but in fact your, Chu Feng, although obtained two best quality goods armament, may actually have more than enough, depressed should be he is right?” Nangong Tianlong said.
„This but actually is also, including the Immortal Xue Fa help, he cannot untie azure rainbow sword purple rainbow sword, the connection with us, this explained these two swords, approved in our, otherwise impossible including Immortal Xue Fa, could not cut us and connections between two armament.”
Mentioned this matter, Nangong Tianhu and Nangong Tian looked at one mutually, on the face all was reappears to wipe the self-satisfied smiling face.
On the same day, bird immortal grasps Chu Feng personally, may actually meddle because of Immortal Xue Fa, enabling the bird immortal to catch Chu Feng.
The bird immortal, thinks Immortal Xue Fa, is Chu Feng behind backer.
Now, bird immortal, returned to Emperor Nangong the clan, and same day situation, will tell Nangong Beidou.
Therefore Nangong Tianlong they, knew, Chu Feng has the Immortal Xue Fa looking upon as one's support incident.
But who Immortal Xue Fa is, in ten immortals, placed first several existences, by the reputation, by the method, is far from the bird immortal can compare.
Therefore, if Immortal Xue Fa, wants to cut off azure rainbow sword and other people's connection, that is very easy.
But at present, reason that such long time passes, was unable to cut off them among the connections with two Semi-complete Emperor Armament, then only then a possibility, that is armament is extremely heartfelt to the master, therefore does not cut off.
This matter, although listens is very being dangerous, but also indeed really has its matter, some Holy Land of Martialism then many cases.
In Holy Land of Martialism, a matter that spreads most widely, is First Rank Martial King, his cultivation to be very weak, but has King Armament.
Some day King Armament was seized, captures the person of King Armament, is not only a Half Emperor peak, is Snake Mark level Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, but how he does not cut off that King Armament, among contact with that First Rank Martial King.
Finally, that Half Emperor peak, cuts to kill that First Rank Martial King, but what is unexpected, moment when that First Rank Martial King died, then King Armament is also the automatic deconstruction, practices favoritism with the master together.
Therefore Nangong Tianhu as well as Nangong Tian, with the connection of azure rainbow sword purple rainbow sword, has not broken, then original work sentimental believing, was they obtained the approval of azure rainbow sword and purple rainbow sword, therefore Chu Feng cannot obtain azure rainbow sword and purple rainbow sword.
May suddenly, Nangong Tianhu as well as Nangong Tian, the complexion big change, big mouth, a painstaking care then sprays afterward, two people all such as beach muck was afterward common, sits down exhausted on the ground.