What is a hero? To me a hero is someone you can look up to and trust wioth your life. In my mind, my hero is my dad. He is the pure definition of what I call hero. He has a caring personality and exhibits great work ethics.
The personality of my dad has always been very caring and compassionate. He showed me the kind of caring that people would expect from a mother. But he is better than my mother. One night when I was 3, there was a really bad storm. I went to my mother first and asked if I could sleep with her. She reluctantly said yes and allowed me to sleep with her. But about an hour later I awoke to find I had been thrown back into my bed while the storm continued. So I got out of bed again and slowly approached the living room where my dad was lying. I was scared of him at first as I had no real memory of him at that age and he seemed almost like a stranger to me. But then he awoke and saw me standing near the television and said, “are you scared son?” I answered with a slow nod of agreement. He then instructed me to get my pillow and blanket and sleep on the floor near him. I obliged and fell back to sleep. When I awoke an hour later I found myself not thrown back into my bed as my mother had previously done, but still on the floor next to my dad. This gesture of kindness forever shaped my opinion of him as a compassionate person as he did something that even my mother wouldn’t do, comfort me in my time of need.
In recent times the recession has hit my family hard. I tried continually to get a job to help support the family but to no avail. So my dad, despite his growing fatigue at working long hours at his job, got a second job in order to help support the family. Even though his body becomes so physically exhausted, he continues to endeavor through it to provide for us. He even does occasional housework that my mother won’t do because she complains about herself being tired. My dad works so much but never complains about it, a quality that he tries to teach me so that I too can take the extra initiative should the time come for me to exhibit great work ethic to help my family in times of need.
To me, my father is the best one in the world. I hear people talking constantly about how there fathers are rude and disrespectful people. Every time I hear negative comments about many dad’s around the world I always remember how thankful I am to have a loving father. They say that a hero will save us, but I don’t need to wait because I see one right now.