The studies revealed that measurement methods suffer
from many limitations such as there is no suitable basis for
Table 11. One Sample t-test Results
t df Significance (2-tailed) Mean Difference
95% Confidence Interval of Difference
Lower Upper
HRA disclosure
mean score
5.945 4 0.004 11.800 6.29 17.31
Source: Author’s own.
selecting the rate of discounting of salary. The study also
revealed that the companies do not have a system for proper
accounting for capital costs relating to HR. These costs continue
to be reported as expenses. Therefore, it can be concluded
that the companies are trying to fit available models
for the valuation of HR as per their own requirements, but
they do not deal with the mode of recording
and reporting of
accounting information relating to HR in the books of
accounts of financial statements. HR disclosures are voluntary
in nature. In such a backdrop, the HR disclosures that
are made by companies are unstructured and inconsistent
and incomparable across companies and industries. There is
a significant difference among the disclosure practices and
average HRA disclosures of the selected companies. Thus,
HRA information is not forming the part of financial statements.