abs t r a c t African swine fever (ASF) is among the most devastating viral diseases of pigs. In recent years, the disease
has spread alarmingly. Despite intensive research activities, promising vaccine candidates are still lacking.
For this reason, a study was undertaken to re-assess inactivated ASFV preparations with state-of-theart
adjuvants. Inactivated preparations of ASF virus (ASFV) “Armenia08” were adjuvanted with either
PolygenTM or Emulsigen®-D, respectively, and used to immunize six weaner pigs two times with a threeweek
interval. Six weeks after the first immunization, animals were challenged with the homologues
highly virulent ASFV. Although ASFV-specific antibodies were detectable in all but one vaccinated animal
prior to challenge, no protective effect of immunization was observed. All animals developed acute-lethal
ASF and had to be euthanized within eleven days post challenge. A slightly accelerated clinical course in
vaccinees could even indicate an antibody dependent enhancement, which could also influence efficacy
of other vaccine approaches.