3.1.3. Histological studies
Cisplatin induced acute renal toxicity was clearly observed in the sections of kidneys isolated from rats (group II) when compared with the normal group (Fig. 2). The kidney slices of group II have shown desquamation of necrotic epithelial cells, degenerative tubule, glomeruli with areas of hemorrhages, glomerular atropy and picnotic nuclei indicating renal toxicity (Fig. 3). The root extracts of T. cordifolia at low dose treated rats shown moderate degenerative changes. Atropic glomeruli with mild hemorrhages and enlarged renal epithelial cells were found with the kidney sections in group III rats ( Fig. 4). At high doses (group IV) regenerative changes were observed. Significant reduction in picnotic nuclei and congestion of glomeruli were observed (group V) (Figs. 5 and 6).