There are
numerous opportunities for future research on the implications of internal auditors’
involvement in risk management on their professional objectivity. In particular, further
study is needed on how different types of safeguards may mitigate threats to
objectivity. Examples of safeguards include the roles played by ACs, by separate risk
management committees and by the external auditors. We encourage further research
identifying how these safeguards are able to assist internal audit to play an optimum
role in the establishment of ERM frameworks, while being in a position to monitor and
provide assurance on the frameworks once they are operating. There is also scope for
more in-depth examination of differences in the role played by internal auditors in
ERM and its implications for their objectivity across different sectors, industries and
business structures. Of note, ERM is becoming widely used in public sector entities and
early evidence suggests that internal auditors are playing an important role in this
development (de Zwaan et al., 2009). Further research focused on the public sector is
needed to fully understand this role.