A quantitative-descriptive analysis method (Murray et al., 2001) was used to assess the 3 products. Cheese cube samples (1 cm3) were coded with 3-digit randomized numbers and served in random order according to sample, replicate, and assessor. Panelists were asked to eat a slice of apple between samples to try to make the palate conditions similar for each sample. Attributes were rated on the basis of 100-mm unstructured lines with anchor points at each end (0 = absent; 100 = very strong). The intensity of the descriptors was expressed as low (0–35 points), moderate (36–70 points), and high (71–100 points). The panelists evaluated 3 replications of each cheese product. Tests were performed at about 1000 h in a controlled sensory analysis laboratory (ISO, 1988) equipped with individual booths and under red lighting to mask color differences in the samples, except during the evaluation of cheese appearance, when only white fluorescent lighting was used. The panelists were not provided with any information regarding the samples to be tasted. To avoid sensory fatigue due to the number of samples, 3 samples were evaluated in each session. The interval between samples was approximately 10 min. Three sessions were performed to analyze cheese.