At first, she was just angry.
Her first year of high school had rewarded her with good grades, many friends, many soccer goals, and a ton of happy memories. It was one of the best years of her life in fact, and she couldn't have been happier. Most of her friends were leaving to Paris or New York for the summer, and when she learned where she was headed, nothing but the bitter disappointment could be felt in the pit of her belly, especially due to the fact that her small family of two were not returning.
Visits to her grand parent's farm were enjoyable as a small child, getting to feed the chickens, take their eggs, watch her grandfather shave the sheep and more. But now that she was older, things like that had just gotten boring. She had homework, sports, friends, nowadays she didn't want to just milk some cow on a Saturday night. Not only that but now that she was going to start living there, she had double the chores and double the things to do which only fueled her fire. Another reason why she was against moving to the countryside, was because it was the house that her deceased Mother grew up in that she was now going to be living in. Her dear Mother had passed away from a sickness when Sunny was only 9, and going back to that farm was only going to reopen the wound, the tears, and the sadness that she had tried so hard to lock away.
Said girl was currently trapped in the back of a small truck, face smushed against the window with her ear buds dully playing a popular pop song. Hours earlier, fat tears were rolling down her slightly pink cheeks as she hugged and bid her best friends farewell, with promises to call them once she arrived at her new prison house. A sigh escaped her plump lips as her sad eyes scanned the scenery outside. Her Father was humming an old tune and making small talk, but Sunny instead decided to sulk in the back, hoping that her father would notice and feel some kind of sympathy for her. Normally her Dad and her got along, she wasn't one of those average teenagers that hated her parents, however this decision just upset her and seemed unfair.
They had departed from their sold home in the early morning, and it was dark out once they had finally arrived at the farm. Sunny had fallen asleep during the last few hours of the trip, so when she opened her eyes, it was a completely different world. There weren't any more cities or buildings, instead there were trees and small shops all around, which somewhat scared her and comforted her at the same time. As their car started to make it's way into the driveway, the house came into view and and memories flashed behind her eyelids of old times with her family and the animals waiting for them. The petite girl sat up and faced the other way, looking out the back window as a gasp escaped her mouth. A man was simply standing in the road where their car had just been, his hands shoved into his pockets as he watched the receding car, and more importantly Sunny's face. It was really quite weird and unexpected. A shiver ran down her spine involuntarily as the two stared each other down and Sunny slowly sank back down into her seat in defeat.
"I thought that the caretaker left this afternoon..." Sunny mumbled in annoyance as the car came to a stop. Her father simply chuckled and climbed out of the car, popping the trunk open to grab the boxes they had packed the night before. Being the smart man that he was, He had sent the majority of their belongings a few days ago, and the caretaker was there to receive the packages. The furniture was still in the house from when her grandparents had lived there, so they only had decorations, utensils, clothing, and food in the trunk of their car. Sunny followed her father and took a few boxes up to the doorstep with her, waiting patiently for him to join her and unlock the door. Once he did, Sunny entered the familiar kitchen, set the 2 boxes she had with her down on the table, and then went out to get more. This cycle continued until there weren't any boxes left and Sunny's eyelids were dropping. Despite the power nap she had earlier, the female was still exhausted and she just wanted to sleep. Biding her father a goodnight with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, Sunny slowly ascended the staircase that she had previously pushed slinkys down many years ago and entered the bedroom that that had her name on it.
Ever since her grandparents left, her father had come down a month earlier and remodeled a bit so Sunny had her own bedroom all ready and waiting for her. it was absent of pictures and color and it was really simple, but for now she didn't care. Dropping the box with her name on it onto the bed, the girl quietly changed out of her clothes and into her pajamas. It was quite strange being in a new home, but she would just have to get used to it, it was first time that she had moved before. Her pale and long fingers gently skimmed the rest of the contents inside her box until they found what they were looking for, a small photo frame with an old picture inside. Setting the cardboard container on the floor, Sunny climbed onto the soft bed and slipped underneath the covers, tears stinging her eyes for the second time that day as she pressed the photo against her chest. She missed her Mother so very much, and the only times she allowed herself to cry were when she was alone. However little did she know that she was being watched and taken note of by someone else.
And then, she was just sad.
AUTHOR'S NOTESomfg this chapter WAS SO BORING 3 I'M SO SORRY! I'll update tomorrow and i'll include a member :D thank you for reading this lame first chapter! haha
< a tori creation >
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