AMOLED panels having a pixel per inch rating of 560 in 2014
4K displays for smartphones in 2015
Samsung to Roll Out AMOLED Display Tablets in 2014 [Softpedia, Nov 6, 2013]
According to ZDNet Korea, it looks like Samsung is going to focus on a particular type of tablets, AMOLED ones. So far, the tech giant has released only a handful of AMOLED display devices, so it will be pretty interesting to see what else gets produced.
AMOLED panels having a pixel per inch rating of 560 in 20144K displays for smartphones in 2015Samsung to Roll Out AMOLED Display Tablets in 2014 [Softpedia, Nov 6, 2013]According to ZDNet Korea, it looks like Samsung is going to focus on a particular type of tablets, AMOLED ones. So far, the tech giant has released only a handful of AMOLED display devices, so it will be pretty interesting to see what else gets produced.
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