In order to investigate the effect of tillage system and plant density in two plant patterns on kernel yield
and its component on corn (Zea mays, an experimental design, randomized complete block
in a strip factorial was used, treatments arrangement were within four replications in north of Iran in
2011. The main plot was subjected to tillage system in three levels: Rotary System (RS); Disk System
(DS) and Plow and Disc System (PDS). Other factors were plant density in three levels (60000, 70000
and 80000 plant/ha) and planting pattern were in conventional row (linear) and new two-rows (zigzag).
The results indicated that the grain yield and biological yield, which were affected by tillage system, did
not show any significant difference, while the grain yield and biological yield, which were affected by
plant density showed significant differences. With the increase of density from 60000 to 80000
plants/ha, grain yield and biological yield increased by an amount of 10.04 and 20.53 t/ha respectively.
Biological yield which was affected by plant pattern showed significant differences and new two-rows
pattern increased biological yield (18.9t/ha) related to linear (18.8t/ha).