To prevent global warming can do 3 main ways: Reduce Fossil Fuel Use, The conservation of natural resources and Conserve energy in the home and yard.
For the first method is to Reduce Fossil Fuel Use. Which can be separated into two types is Electricity savings and Improve vehicle fuel-efficiency.
Electricity savings can be achieved by using energy efficiently and compact size. Change light bulbs to be more efficient by using LEDs instead of using CFL. Reduce energy needed for heating and reduce the use of air conditioning or will buy energy-efficient appliances. And should use less energy ,or use of natural energy sources Such as solar and wind power.
Reduce Fossil Fuel Use Option 2 Improve vehicle fuel-efficiency. Achieved by practice fuel-efficient driving such care and attention to driving or may be buying fuel-efficient car. Including taking the bus, riding a bike, or walking and used cars together.
The second method is The conservation of natural resources can be done by Planting trees, The tree planting can slow global warming, and also absorb Carbon dioxide. Conserve Water, can be saving water reduces the amount of energy used. Turn off water immediately whenever not using it, and repair or replace leaky faucets and toilets. And should be capture rainwater in barrels for Watering trees.
And the last method is Conserve energy in the home and yard. As reduce Waste by reducing consumption and eating local food, Eat vegetarian meals or Recycling metal, plastic, glass and paper lowers greenhouse gas emissions. Reduce lawn size by create a lawn have a fair size. And paint your home a light color if you live in a warm climate, or a dark color in a cold climate. All this can help reduce global warming.