Hello my dear Cat Today is a wonderful day only because i'v got your letter!
I don't care about anything else. Today i woke up earlier than usual.
I couldn't sleep any more. It was dark in the street. I looked at the window.
But suddenly a small bird fly to me and began to sing very beautiful.
I looked and thought that you are so far. May be you sleep and see me in your dreams.
If i were a bird i will fly to you and sing. I told the bird to fly to you
and to say hello to my close friend Cat Tell him that i thought about him.
She flied as understood my words. If you will see my...
a bird near you singing a beautiful song remember that i asked her to visit you:))
Cat I have good news. Today i was at the agency they told that i can come
to Moscow because I've got my visa. There is no embassy at Nizhnii Novgorod.
They will prepare my tickets tomorrow. Tomorrow i will learn the details.
everything is going on fine. Destiny helps me to be close by you.
Blue sky, bright sun, stars and your letters make me happy.
I like to read them and they make me smile. Sorry but i must go.
Send you all my kisses. Yours Elena