Based on AESA technology, KRONOS LAND has a detection
volume that is extremely wide in elevation, and extended in
range and altitude. The system consists of:
The AESA antenna, with electronic scanning independently
and simultaneously both in azimuth and elevation.
This offers a variable dwell time and data rate without
changing the mechanical antenna rotation rate (60rpm).
The real-time radar processor that includes a scheduler
and threat evaluation function. Depending on the
assessed threat level, any detected target is tracked with
one of the following refresh rates while rotating at 60rpm:
HPT (High Priority Tracking) with an update period of 1
LPT (Low Priority Tracking) with an update period of 4
The processor assures continuity of track
management through dedicated waveforms for
dynamic adaptation to the operational scenario
Command, Control & Communication, based on two
internal C2 consoles that allow operators to control the
local air and tactical picture, assigning threats to weapon
systems (medium, short and very short missile or artillery