The City of London will engage with the City Police to reduce emissions from their fleet.
The City of London will continue with its efforts to establish effective ways to prevent drivers from leaving vehicle engines idling unnecessarily in the City.
The City of London will work with the Mayor of London to designate the whole of London a no-idling zone.
The City of London will work with Transport for London to trial a method of dust suppression along the route from Victoria Embankment through to Tower Hill.
If dust suppression is shown to be effective at reducing PM10 concentrations, the City will consider rolling it out to other areas of concern in the Square Mile and encourage Transport for London to apply it on other roads in the City that they are responsible for, particularly Mansell Street and Farringdon Street.
The City of London will continue to explore and implement energy efficiency measures to reduce emissions of carbon, NOx and PM10 from its buildings.
The City of London will engage with City businesses to gain their support for improving air quality in the Square Mile.
Air quality will be a consideration in all development and the City of London will require developers to undertake detailed air quality impact assessments of major developments adjacent to sensitive premises, such as residential properties, schools and St Bartholomew‘s Hospital. This will form part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
Major developments will be encouraged to obtain maximum points for the pollution section of the BREEAM assessment relating to NOx emissions i.e. to meet a dry NOx emission rating of 5).
The City of London will develop local best practice guidance for controlling emissions from gas Combined Heat and Power plant.