Discuss how the HR environment at Dell is managed. Your discussion must cover thefollowing:
Linking HRM practices to the company’s business objectives.
Designing work that motivates and satisfies the employees as well as maximisingcustomer service quality and productivity.
Human Resource Management refers to the policies, practices and systems that influence
employee’s behaviour, attitudes and performances. Nowadays more and more companies are
recognising the fact that the key to company success is its employees, since effectiveutilisation of this resource results in a sustainable competitive advantage and optimisesshareholder value. Dell is thus adopting HRM practices, namely job analysis and design,recruitment, selection and placement, training, development and career management, rewardto ensure that the company is staffed with people who have the necessary knowledge, skilland ability to perform their pa
rt in implementing the company’s
strategic goals.Dell pays market-related salaries and offers a range of standard big-company benefits as ameans of attracting top performers into its business and to motivate its current employees.Listening to what employees have to say, how they feel about their jobs, supervisors, toolsand resources, assessing their satisfaction are very important for Dell. In this context, anonline Human Resource feedback form is provided to its employees to allow them to giveanonymous feedback about the working environment. They can also rate their managers,company culture and benefits through a climate survey which is carried out twice a year. Togive assurance to its employees that they are being treated fairly and that HR policies arebeing applied consistently throughout the company, Dell has a formal code of conduct thatemphasises high ethical standards in every
area of the company’s business, from interaction
with customers, competitors, government and other stakeholders, through to employeeprivacy, environmental standards, and managing potential conflicts of interest. But Dell doesnot believe that above average remuneration and outstanding fringe benefit, fair treatment andpleasant working conditions only, can motivate its employees.
According to Hertzberg’s two
-factor theory of motivation, two sets of factors influencemotivation and job satisfaction; they are hygiene factors and motivators. Hygiene factorswhich include organisational policy and administration, equipment, supervision, interpersonal
Discuss how the HR environment at Dell is managed. Your discussion must cover thefollowing:
Linking HRM practices to the company’s business objectives.
Designing work that motivates and satisfies the employees as well as maximisingcustomer service quality and productivity.
Human Resource Management refers to the policies, practices and systems that influence
employee’s behaviour, attitudes and performances. Nowadays more and more companies are
recognising the fact that the key to company success is its employees, since effectiveutilisation of this resource results in a sustainable competitive advantage and optimisesshareholder value. Dell is thus adopting HRM practices, namely job analysis and design,recruitment, selection and placement, training, development and career management, rewardto ensure that the company is staffed with people who have the necessary knowledge, skilland ability to perform their pa
rt in implementing the company’s
strategic goals.Dell pays market-related salaries and offers a range of standard big-company benefits as ameans of attracting top performers into its business and to motivate its current employees.Listening to what employees have to say, how they feel about their jobs, supervisors, toolsand resources, assessing their satisfaction are very important for Dell. In this context, anonline Human Resource feedback form is provided to its employees to allow them to giveanonymous feedback about the working environment. They can also rate their managers,company culture and benefits through a climate survey which is carried out twice a year. Togive assurance to its employees that they are being treated fairly and that HR policies arebeing applied consistently throughout the company, Dell has a formal code of conduct thatemphasises high ethical standards in every
area of the company’s business, from interaction
with customers, competitors, government and other stakeholders, through to employeeprivacy, environmental standards, and managing potential conflicts of interest. But Dell doesnot believe that above average remuneration and outstanding fringe benefit, fair treatment andpleasant working conditions only, can motivate its employees.
According to Hertzberg’s two
-factor theory of motivation, two sets of factors influencemotivation and job satisfaction; they are hygiene factors and motivators. Hygiene factorswhich include organisational policy and administration, equipment, supervision, interpersonal
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