In conclusion, our results the association of good aerobic fitness with the ability to resist fatigue during RSA exercise. This suggests that aerobic must be included in the annual training cycle of team sport players to increase the ability to resist to fatigue during repeated sprint exercise. Our results also show that MASRT, as a specific anaerobic protocol for team sports athletes, is more suitable than WingT to establish the relationship between anaerobic fitness and RSA. The significant correlations found between MASRT and RSA test indices in this study confirm that anaerobic running fitness could be a determinant factor of RSA. Thurs, to enhance the RSA of team sport players, it is important to include both aerobic and anaerobic running exercise in annual training cycle. However, because of the moderate correlation between RSA and both aerobic and anaerobic fitness found in this study, we suggest that additional factors (e.g. , coordination, balance, muscle strength and power, anthropometric variables) are likely to be determining for the performance in RSA with 180องศา change of directions. Future studies are required to determine which of them is a better predictor of shuttle-RSA performance in team sport players.