1:40 This often results in an infection
1:43 and intense pain that is felt in your back.
1:47 Kidney stones can sometimes be treated with fluids and painkillers.
1:52 However, if infection develops or the urine flow is obstructed,
1:57 further treatment may be needed.
2:00 Your doctor will advise the treatment best suited to you.
2:05 In shockwave therapy
2:07 shockwaves of energy are used
2:09 from outside of the body
2:10 to break up the stones into small pieces
2:13 that can be passed out of your body in urine.
2:18 In percutaneous nephrolithotomy
2:20 a small cut is made in your back
2:23 and a thin telescopic tube is passed into your kidney.
2:27 The stone is then either removed
2:30 or broken into smaller pieces using a laser.
2:35 A ureteroscopy is used
2:36 if a kidney stone is stuck in your ureter.
2:40 A thin telescopic tube is passed through your urethra and bladder
2:44 and into the ureter.