The present situation of tourism is not showing tendencies towards connecting to nature
conservation. In the spring and the autumn the lake is visited mostly by people making simple
excursions and they only have a walk. In summer the lake is besieged by bathers and trainers of
water sports. These facts are real problems which are to be solved in the future. The Old lake is a
favored fishing place, which has significant tradition here as the pond was used for fish breeding
in the middle age. In the quiet places of the southern part of the area, anglers find recreation
without disturbing significantly the habitat.
The enlargement area has not been explored by tourism yet. A cycle route, an ecotourism centre
and a museum are planned in the area of Ferencmajori fish ponds.
Approximately 30-50 foreign twitchers visit and Hungarian twitchers regularly wander in the site
every year. 200 students get information on the values of life in water with the help of
professional guides. The development of the study trail will continue in the following years and
new visual tools will serve the visitors (new information boards and viewplaces)