A marked difference in weight loss was found
between nonwrapped samples and other treatments after 5 days of storage at 5°C (Fig. 2). The
difference became even more pronounced as storage progressed. After 18 days of storage, the
nonwrapped samples lost 9.2% while fruit from
perforated bags lost 0.9% and those from sealed
bags lost only 0.2%. Apparently, polyethylene film
bags. with perforations was still a good barrier to moisture transfer even though it did not restrict gas
exchange. Shrivel in fresh fruits and vegetables
becomes obvious when weight loss reaches 3-6%
(Hardenburg et al., 1986; Hruschka, 1977; Lentz,
1966). The symptoms of shrivelling in nonwrapped cucumbers in this experiment were not
only apparent but also objectionable after 12 days
of storage (data not shown).