At present, mobile phones. Is necessary that everyone must have. Whether it's age? In order to perform daily life easier and convenient. But not that mobile phones will have the advantage. The handset also has disadvantages as well. There are advantages and disadvantages as follows:
Mobile phones have the advantage is. Can be used to communicate at any time, any place, and faster than other methods. Now mobile phones can do almost everything, whether it's photography, surfing the Internet communication messaging. Using a calculator, alarm clock and more. Even if there will be advantages. But it has the disadvantage of phones. Phone make you lack patience and hot. Mobile phones make it a financial burden because of the need to contain costs and much more.
Phone has both advantages and disadvantages, which are based on the idea that people will think about the advantages or disadvantages of it. Some people may think it is very good that the disadvantages. It depends on each person's needs and use it in a way that is useful, or vice versa?
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