The diagnosis was: “M. aurantiaca, Mann, Herb.
Habit of M. sanguinea, but forming larger clumps of
rather shorter stems. Panicle moderately dense, finally
8–9 in. (20–23 cm) long; rachis glabrous; bracts bright
orange-yellow, glabrous; lowest sterile, lanceolate, a
foot long; upper oblong-lanceolate, persistent, 3–4 in.
(7.5–10 cm) long; female flowers in 5 clusters of 4–5
each. Calyx yellow, above an inch long, 5-toothed at
the tip; petal linear, obtuse, as long as the calyx. Fruit
green, glabrous. Forests of Upper Assam, Mann!
Differs mainly from M. sanguinea by its orangecoloured