The objective of the present study was to evaluate efficacy of the yeast cell biomass (YB), generated as
a waste product from the distillery industry and Saccharomyces cerevisiae MTCC 463 (SC) for remediation
of the textile effluent. It was found that YB could decolorize the textile effluent up to 69% of decolorization
within 48 h at 30 C; whereas SC could decolorize same effluent with up to 78% of decolorization,
under similar experimental conditions. The decolorization of the effluent was mediated by both,
biodegradation as well as biosorption mechanisms. Next to decolorization both YB and SC were found to
be efficient for biosorption of heavy metals from the effluent. Effects of various experimental parameters
like, physico-chemical factors, aerobiceanaerobic conditions on decolorization rate were tested. The
immobilization studies were performed by using plaster of paris (POP) as a supportive material for
immobilization of YB and SC. POP immobilized cells were used for development of the continuous
effluent treatment plant on the laboratory scale. Analytical studies like UVeVis spectroscopy; TLC, FTIR,
HPLC and SEM were employed to monitor the process of biodegradation and decolorization. Cytotoxicity,
genotoxicity and phytotoxicity studies were performed to evaluate the toxicity of metabolites produced
after decolorization of textile effluent.