Kim et al. (2012) obtained
similar results with Lactobacillus casei during cold storage of
different colored-potatoes beverages, finding that cell counts of
fermented “Haryoung” juice remained at 9.0 log CFU/ml during 4
weeks. Notwithstanding, cell concentration decreased from 8.0 to
5.0 log CFU/ml in “Hongyoung” juice, indicating that some food
characteristics, such as composition, pH and consistency, could
offer protection to LAB during storage, as reported previously by
Champagne and Gardner (2008). In
Kim et al. (2012) obtainedsimilar results with Lactobacillus casei during cold storage ofdifferent colored-potatoes beverages, finding that cell counts offermented “Haryoung” juice remained at 9.0 log CFU/ml during 4weeks. Notwithstanding, cell concentration decreased from 8.0 to5.0 log CFU/ml in “Hongyoung” juice, indicating that some foodcharacteristics, such as composition, pH and consistency, couldoffer protection to LAB during storage, as reported previously byChampagne and Gardner (2008). In
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