5018 - Environmental levy (green taxes) on imported
goods in the future
5019 - Developing local environmental subsidies and
5020 - Providing an appropriate platform for private
sector to make an investment in environmentally friendly
equipment and technologies, which are adopting a
competitive strategy for which the QSPM was developed
(Table 3), in which the impact of other internal and external
factors on the competitive strategies was examined. To
this end, while Iisting,aII internal and external factors, the
reinforcing or inhibiting effect of each factor (AS) was
regarded in selecting the executive strategies. The extent
of these effects were scored ranging from 1 to 4. The
TAS was calculated by multiplying the AS by the weight
of each factor (derived from IFE and EFE matrices).
Then by summing the TAS values of each strategy, the
executive priority of each strategy was determined from
the perspective of internal and external factors. According
to the QSPM results, the following top priority strategies
were selected as listed in Table 3. In order to improve
the conditions and proper environmental management
performance, the following recommendations are
suggested based on the research findings: In targeted
environmental management Preventing the loss of
resources improving individuals' knowledge about the
environmental issues:
- Enforcing the environmental laws, regulations, and
- Proving a platform for cooperation of academic
- Developing comprehensive and long-term projects in
line with Iran's accession to the WTO.
- Providing strategic environmental action plans foraccession to the WTO. More research is necessary
for comparing environmental management strategies
developed in Iran with those ofdeveloped countries.
- Continental improvement of regulations and standards
ofvarious sectors related to environmental issues.
- Updating laws on natural resources and the
- Allocating financial resources to provide the private
sector with appropriate technologies and machinery as
subsidies and bank loans.
- The inclusion of environmental protection costs
and benefits in market mechanisms to achieve
environmental protection and sustainable development
- Developing a national trade pattern based on Iran's
long-term planning and international environmental
- More attention must be paid to environmental
associations, organizations, and NGOs at local and
national levels.
- Coordinating national trading regulations with the
demands ofan international trading system.
In general, accession to the WTO is a complicated
procedure involving cooperation of governmental agencies
and decision-makers. It will not be possible except by
changing management systems, mindsets, attitudes, and
even performances. According to Article 44 ofthe Iranian
Constitution, which emphasizes the guiding role of the
non-governmental sector in the accession process, it is
suggested to establish a WTO Accession Committee with
participation of all stockholders, and above all, Iran's
Chamber of Commerce as the largest non-governmental
institution to facilitate Iran's accession to the WTO. The
environmental impacts of China's accession were also
emphasized by Shantonga and Jianwua in2013 [15].