The Decline of the medical Model of Health
A new concept of health emphasized that our health is determined by factors other than medical treatment factors. Stress can suppress the body's immune system and lead to an imbalance of hormones, which increase the production of abnormal cells.
Possible Implication for leisure
To be made available by the time that the activity is an activity that we really liked, or are willing to do, and it is an activity that is beneficial to us, such as the various recreational activities and the people who live in countries where modern, does not mean that there are always going to be healthy because the people who live in countries where there are modern constraints.
Why people are more stressed today.
Caused by a hectic society, many technology too quickly. The change of environment and life must be used in a hurry to keep up with the social causes of stress, it is possible to keep people smoking, drinking. Gambling for stress reduction that will create a problem