isolationAfter purification, the ELP-rich fraction (Fig. 1C, lane 1) wasresuspended in different pH cleavage solutions and incubatedunder different conditions for C-terminal cleavage analysis (Fig. 2).Total intein activation, represented by an increase in ELP bandmigration, was observed in 24 h for pH 5.5 at 25 and 30◦C. In48 h activation was complete at pH 5 and 5.5 at 19, 25 and 30◦C,and at pH 6.5 and 7 at 30◦C. The condition of pH 5.5, 25◦C for24 h was chosen to be applied to the subsequent analysis since inthose conditions intein self-cleavage was achieved faster and atroom temperature. After intein activation 3 M NaCl was added tosamples followed by incubation at 30◦C/10 min and spun for ELPremoval. The supernatant containing residual-free Pa-MAP 2 wasthen lyophilized and analyzed by mass spectrometry, where a peakof 2,517.95 m/z was observed (Fig. 3).