Education reforms in Thailand aim to improve the level of education of Thai people. The National
Education Act of Thailand, B.E. 1999 was implemented based on the principle that all students have the
ability to learn and develop themselves. The experience of the teacher can be enhanced by learning from
the training activities. The objectives of teacher trainings have to match with their competencies. Training
is a method of learning how to work efficiently (Wichit, 2001). Constructivism has come to dominate
both thought and process in education (Fensham, 1992; Matthews, 1998, 2000). The essential functions of
the mind consist of understanding and investigating. In other words, building up intellectual structures has
constructed reality (Piaget, 1971, p.27). In this paper, an effort has been made to examine the main
features of the constructivist epistemology and how learning in training affected the teachers. The main
purpose of this study is to research and develop a training model based constructivism theory for teachers under
the jurisdiction of the Basic Education Commission.