This spammable AoE skill is used to gain Charge very rapidly, depending on how many enemies are close to you. The range is very short (starting at five meters), but you can gain up to one Charge per second at 1/15 rank if five enemies are around you. However, as you level up this skill the range is increased by two meters for each tier. It is best to find a small group of enemies, cast Forcefield, and spam Dynamo Field until you gain five charges. It should only take a brief moment to fully fill your Charge bar so you can cast another Forcefield. As you unlock tiers one and two, you will find that you will gain Charges with very little effort. 10/15 should be sufficent enough but you can always max it out if you want that extra two meter buffer (making it 11 meters with tier 3). In Elite difficulty, this skill can be utilized to gain Charges on champion or boss monsters with little to no minions.