Finn has blonde hair which is first seen in "To Cut a Woman's Hair," where Finn removes his hat, and long, golden locks of hair flows out. His hair has a glowing sheen and extended his body length, until he cuts it off and gives it to the Tree Witch. His hair slowly begins to regrow throughout several episodes until "Another Way where it has grown to his shoulders." By "The Lich," Finn has grown his hair slightly longer than in its appearance in previous episodes. However, in the episode "Davey," Finn has shaves off almost all of his hair for the second time so he can disguise himself as 'Davey', but begins to regrow it in "Little Dude," and the episodes after it. In "Puhoy," an adult Finn is shown to have grown facial hair and his hair become curly although since that part of the episode was a daydream it may not be 100% accurate. In "May I Come In?", Finn's long hair is shown to have grown back to around the length it was in "To Cut a Woman's Hair", when Finn takes of his hat while acting as bait to lure out The Hierophant.